Manufacturing Engineer

Specialties: Blade specialist, manufacturing,Trainer/ Consultant, Tooling

About Aelos

Ernst Merselina

For more than 22 years experience, so I have extensive knowledge of composites, wind turbine molds, blades, prefab, production, repairs and I have worked as an instructor/ trainer, service engineer, team lead, supervisor (on location globally) for Aerpac BV, Enron Wind, GEWE, CTC (Composite Technology Centre), Pontis-engineering BV, for infusion, blade manufacturing, mold and plug making, prototyping and laboratory testing.

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I have trained a great amount of people in infusion, hand lamination and composite repairs on blades/ molds, and when requierd even hands on.I implemented improvement and I am good at problem-solving. I know all about the infusion process and have a very good understanding of all aspects of blade production.

In summery

  • Supervisor
  • Reparations Windturbine blades and boats
  • Trainer/ Instructor
  • Hands on 
  • Infusion testing (lab work)

Frank Boonstra

Consultant as Blade design and fabrication expert

I know Ernst for over 20 years and we worked together on different projects Globally. Ernst is a very skilled professional and has a good understanding of blade manufacturing in all aspects. He is a dedicated person and has the drive to bring any project to a good and satisfying ending. Ernst is independent as well as a good team player; he gets the job done. He has a high-quality standard and this you find back in his work. I can recommend him without a doubt.

Wei Lu

Research engineer

We worked togther to support blade supplier developement inChina. We need to check the infusion and mold closing in the midof night, but Ernst had no problem with this at all. Also he has the right knowledge about infusion process so he gave a lot of valuable directions during production.

Simon Murray

Research And Development Specialist

Ernst was a production specialist who taught all the British contractors in Holland how to make wind energy blades.


Phonenumber: +31 (0)6 21 17 69 31


Trade register: 70996075

VAT no : NL. 137908726.B01

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